National Center for Effective Mental Halth Consultation

Module 2: The First Year

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify the indicators of healthy social and emotional development as well as potential risk for problems in social and emotional development in young children ages birth to twelve months.
  • Describe practices and approaches to support social and emotional development in young children ages birth to twelve months

The First YearIn this module, there are four sections divided up by the age ranges of:

  • Section 1. Birth to three months
  • Section 2. Three to six months
  • Section 3. Six to nine months and
  • Section 4. Nine to twelve months

Each section of this module begins with a table listing healthy social and emotional indicators for a particular age range, related to social health and attachment, and emotional health and regulation as well as vignettes to illustrate healthy and at-risk behavior. Following each table is more information related to supporting these healthy behaviors in young children that can be used with parents and caregivers for whom you provide early childhood mental health consultation support.



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Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development National Center for Effective Mental Health Consultation