National Center for Effective Mental Halth Consultation

Determining What Makes Consultation Effective

Despite affirming findings about the efficacy of ECMHC as an intervention, the research syntheses by Brennan, Perry and colleagues (2008, 2009) also highlighted a lack of data-driven guidance around what makes ECMHC effective. To fill this void and continue to move the field forward, GUCCHD embarked on a study examining the essential components of effective consultation (Duran et al., 2009). Through in-depth site visits to six ECMHC programs demonstrating positive outcomes, study researchers identified five critical elements in designing an effective consultation program and, more broadly, providing effective consultation services:

  • Solid program infrastructure (e.g., strong leadership, clear model design, strategic partnerships, evaluation)
  • Highly-qualified mental health consultants
  • High-quality services
  • Strong relationships between and among consultants and consultees
  • Readiness for ECMHC among families and ECE providers/programs (e.g., openness to gaining new skills and knowledge, opportunities for collaboration)

Effective Consultation




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Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development National Center for Effective Mental Health Consultation